

On normal - professional level I started developing software in 2001 using Delphi. Knowing this envoirment good gives me possible to create fine application in short time. In 2001 it was Power Control Device RE04: modelling on the existing registration and visualization system (hardware), for FMGC plant to analyzing energy consumption to prevent exceed order power. In 2002 Lab-scale waste water system: it was diploma work in school made in cooperation with University of Opole. It includes software, electronic devices, and communication system. The software was built as Client-Server with allows students to track on-line treatment process information. It’s a great system for registration and visualization of information from net of three main controllers and lot number of sensors. Awards: Honorable in XXXV edition of  Tournament Young Masters of Technics (PL: Turniej Młodych Mistrzów Techniki) - national level. For authors: premium access (without examination) at selected technical universities in Poland. In 2000 - 2007 Combosoft Software for IC programmer Progstar Combo with author of programmer Mr Gustaw Mazurek.

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